Aromatherapy For Health And Well-being

Aromatherapy is a gift given to us all by Mother Nature… Feeling down? Then go out and pick yourself a bunch of flowers… Feeling happy? Then go out and pick yourself some flowers… There is no better healer than Mother Nature. Mother nature blessed with all her flowers, herbs, water and food – all placed here to be our medicine, food and luxury. 

Speaking of luxury, some people may think that Aromatherapy is luxury, a luxury that is not a necessity. Well nothing could be further from the truth, aromatherapy should be something that we all implement into our lives daily, because through aroma we can heal our mind, body and soul.

There are endless ways to add a little aromatherapy into your daily life, you can go for a walk through a field of flowers, make an appointment to be pampered by a massage, put some fresh cut flowers in your home, burn some candles and oil diffusers, spend the afternoon having a picnic in the local botanical gardens or park and so much more. Get creative, think of ways to surround yourself with beautiful aromas.

I was able to speak to one of my favourite people in the world, she is an aromatherapist, a reflexoligist, a reiki practitioner, a natural healer and Eric's mum [you can visit her site here]. It is Marie-Anne Chabot who is one of the warmest people you will ever meet, as soon as you step inside her treatment room which is located at Barrie, Ontario ,Canada - you can immediately feel her positive energy radiating off every wall. In fact I would travel all the way from Australia to Canada just for one of her treatments.

Anyway lets get to know more about the healing properties of aromatherapy and what it can do for you. And who better to turn to than my favourite aromatherapy specialist Marie-Anne.

Claire. What is Aromatherapy?
Marie-Anne. Aromatherapy is a holistic healing modality coined of two words: aroma and therapy. It consists of using botanical pure essential oils (aroma) for the purpose of healing (therapy). Essential oils are nature’s precious blood. It is Mother Earth’s gift to humanity. I would like to invite the whole planet to explore and honour the wonderful world of aromatherapy. Take time to smell the rich fragrances and let the oils heal you on all levels… body, mind and spirit!

Claire. How can aromatherapy improve one’s well being?
Marie-Anne. Aromatherapy … for my body, for my mind for my spirit. It revitalizes my body, calms my mind and nourishes my spirit. Essential oils enter the body in two ways, through the nose and through the skin. The oils that are smelled through your nose come into contact with the nerves extending from the olfactory bulbs and it sets off a reaction that results in brain activity. It can calm you, revitalize you, put you to sleep or wake you up! Essential oils can also enter the body through the skin. It then goes on to either your muscles or anywhere in your body via your blood system. And so, aromatherapy can be advantageous for any ailments.

Claire. What is your favourite essential oil and why?
Marie-Anne. I couldn’t possibly have a favourite oil. I value each essential oil for its particular healing properties. Pettitgrain and orange elevate my mood and give me energy. Rosewood, geranium and patchouli ground me. Add a drop or two of frankincense to the blend and it transports me to a meditative state.

Claire. Sore muscles?
Marie-Anne. Then I reach for birch and lavender. Aromatherapy offers a smorgasbord of exquisite fragrances to heal you on all levels. Why stop at one or two essential oils when so many will heal you on all levels!

Claire.Do you have any favourite tips or hints on how somebody could use aromatherapy in their everyday life?
Marie-Anne. Lavender and tea-tree oils are my “first aid” in a bottle. Lavender is great for burns and can relax you so you can get a good night sleep. Tea-tree is the best antiseptic around. Use peppermint oil to keep you alert and help you study for an exam. Use eucalyptus oil in a diffuser and kill airborne germs in your home. The list goes on! Let the oils support you, body, mind and spirit!

Claire. Cautions and contraindications?
Marie-Anne. Remember to use the oils with caution. They are very concentrated and thus very potent. With the exception of a few, all essential oils must be diluted before applying on your skin. A little goes a long way! You can always add a few drops to a blend but cannot take away. Research any contraindications for certain ailments and conditions before using anyone of them. E.g. pregnancy, cancer, high and low blood pressure etc. Scent is extremely powerful on the psyche. A scent might bring forth happy memories for one person and the same scent totally depress another depending on past experience and association with a scent. It is a very personal thing. Always smell the fragrance of an essential oil before using it and take time to discover where it takes you.

Claire. Do you have a favourite meditation blend that you like to use, if so what is in it?
Marie-Anne. Frankincense, lavender and cinnamon are lovely.

Claire. What would be a great recipe to create a Serene/or serenity essential oil blend?.
Marie-Anne. Chamomile, sandalwood, geranium for me are very serene. In my home, I sometimes burn pine oil in a diffuser. It brings the forest inside by house. Cinnamon and orange are a favourite in the fall. I haven’t used any commercial perfumes for years. Patchouli and sandalwood are my personal choice of body fragrance. As with food, you might have a favourite, but it would quickly become your least favourite if you had it every day! A variety is suggested.

Claire. What does Serene mean to you?
Marie-Anne. Serene is to “live the moment” in solidity of stillness. It is living my authentic life with purpose, passion and grace. Being serene is to stop the “monkey mind” and to stop judging. It is seeing the beauty of the moment and count my blessings no matter what. It is living in the moment, in the now!

Claire. What is one thing you do in your life to nurture your mind, body or soul?
Marie-Anne. Actually, my work as an aromatherapist, a reflexologist and a Reiki master nurture me. It permits me to fulfill my soul purpose which makes my heart sing. I love receiving treatments as well. My body just floats. It is the best sensation in the whole world!

Claire. What is your mantra for life?
Marie-Anne. “I am healthy, wealthy and happy”! Life is made of moments. I try to live every moment to the fullest without judgement. My work environment is calm and peaceful. At home, I am surrounded by nature and a loving family. If I am sad or angry, again I try to experience that moment fully and remember the words of Eckhart Tolle “this too shall pass”!

About Marie-Anne Chabot
Marie-Anne is a certified reflexologist, aromatherapist and a Reiki Master for over 15 years. She is the founder and co-owner of Avalon Wellness Centre in Barrie Ontario Canada. Marie-Anne brings a unique combination of skill and passion to each treatment session. Every treatment is anchored with her compassion, her intuition, and her gentle touch. Her ability to give “heart to heart, soul to soul” is the gift she gives to each of her clients.

So next time your needing some bliss, look no further than aromatherapy, and if your in Canada make sure you drop by and say hi to Marie-Anne.