Welcome. You Beautiful Thing.

Going green” is no longer just the ideology of left-wing hippies. Nor is it a passing trend. We are living in changing times where we are confronted with the challenge of sustaining our food, our water, our health and our planet. We are becoming aware and more connected than ever before, and as a result we are naturally led to taking on a greener, kinder and sustainable approach to life and everything we buy.

The Green Beauty movement is rising rapidly, each year more products and more information is being seeked out and it is undeniable that within a few years the green beauty industry will become mainstream.

The Green Beauty movement is a philosophy and a way of life that encourages you to live with love and respect for yourself, the planet and others. When you live this way, it feels good not only on a cellular level but also a spiritual level. It raises your vibration, opens up your heart centre and brings you closer to living in alignment with your own true nature.

Clean + Green Natural Beauty Blog

Read the latest clean and green beauty news

DIY Botanical Steam Facial

DIY Botanical Steam Facial

Botanical steam facials are a holistic self-care ritual I’ve been gifting myself every Sunday afternoon. The essential oils and natural plant matter has a deep therapeutic effect on the skin,... Read More

Aromatherapy For Health And Well-being

Aromatherapy is a gift given to us all by Mother Nature… Feeling down? Then go out and pick yourself a bunch of flowers… Feeling happy? Then go out and pick... Read More
Aromatherapy For Health And Well-being
What's Your Skin Trying To Say: Face Mapping

What's Your Skin Trying To Say: Face Mapping

  Ever wondered why at certain times of the month your skin may break out? Or in times of stress your skin seems to loose it’s glow? This is no... Read More

The Art Of Aging Gracefully

What is the secret to ageing gracefully? It is not as elusive as society makes out. It is not in some wonder drug, Botox, miracle cream, money, big house, happy... Read More
The Art Of Aging Gracefully
Pro Age: 10 Ways To Celebrate Getting Older

Pro Age: 10 Ways To Celebrate Getting Older

There is something we can learn from French women, and that is to celebrate and embrace our age. French women are not interested in getting face-lifts, Botox, covering grey hairs... Read More

How Green Beauty Products Can Improve Your Health + Some Of The Key Ingredients To Look For

Just like you nourish your body with good food, your skin deserves the same care. Many mainstream beauty products on the market today include an astonishing amount of scary chemicals.... Read More
How Green Beauty Products Can Improve Your Health + Some Of The Key Ingredients To Look For
A DIY Thalassotherapy Day: Create A Health Retreat Within Your Own Home

A DIY Thalassotherapy Day: Create A Health Retreat Within Your Own Home

We are all guilty of putting ourselves last from time to time. Living such busy lives with over-booked schedules we often find ourselves living to please others rather than doing... Read More

Steps To Defining Your Eyebrows

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Thick and defined brows aren’t just... Read More
Steps To Defining Your Eyebrows
5 Steps To A Do It Yourself Pampering Pedicure

5 Steps To A Do It Yourself Pampering Pedicure

Today it’s all about fabulous feet!  Are yours feeling a bit neglected at the moment?  Do you need a little pampering and a great polish for those summer sandals?  Well... Read More

The 7 Deadly Foods Sabotaging Your Glow? How These 7 Everyday Foods Affect Your Skin + Overall Health

  "To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art" - La Rochefoucald   Have you ever considered that what you eat becomes part of you? Food... Read More
The 7 Deadly Foods Sabotaging Your Glow? How These 7 Everyday Foods Affect Your Skin + Overall Health